Your investment in products supplied by Interfax Systems is protected by our post-sales service centers located within our Toronto and Montreal facilities. Our highly-skilled Service Technicians have the experience to perform repairs, firmware updates and calibrations. For any items that require additional factory expertise, our Service Co-ordinators will facilitate the export and re-importation of your equipment.
Repair Shop
Field Service
One-stop repair shop: Interfax can repair other general purpose test equipment or coordinate repair of same with other local service and calibration centers. Supply of an operations and/or service manual with non-Interfax equipment will greatly expedite these repairs.
90 Day Warranty
Interfax offers a 90 day warranty on all repair work. A minimum charge for any repair may apply for warranty or non-warranty work should no fault be found. A similar charge may apply should a non-warranty item not be repaired after evaluation. Credit for this evaluation cost may, in some cases, be applied to the purchase of new equipment.
Field service is available anywhere in Canada with travel and per diem being billed at cost plus an hourly rate. Field service is ideal for equipment too heavy to transport to one of our service centers.
Service & Preventative
Maintenance Contracts
Service and Preventative Maintenance contracts are available. Please contact us for details. Interfax offers a 90 day warranty on all repair work. Interfax offers a 90 day warranty on all repair work.