RF & Microwave//
Specialize in the design and manufacturing of:
Active Components (Amplifiers, Bias Tees, Coaxial Terminations, Converter Modules, DC Blocks, Directional Couplers, Fiber Optic Links, Frequency Discriminators, Frequency Oscillators, Frequency Synthesizers, Hybrid Couplers, Mixers, Modulators, Multipliers, Phase Shifters, PIN Diode Attenuators, Diode Switches, Power Dividers and Combiners
Passive Components (couplers, power dividers, attenuators, terminations, phase shifters, detectors and adapters)
Electro-mechanical and pin diode based switching products
State-of the-Art Integrated Microwave Assemblies and RF subsystems.
SATCOM Products (Frequency Converters, Translators, Redundant Switchover Units, Amplifier Systems, Video Products, INMARSAT Products, Equalizer Products, Uplink Power Control Products, Power Amplifiers and Custom Communication Equipment)
Spaceborne Products
Custom RF and Microwave designs for superior performance in the harshest and most demanding environments.

Narda Safety Test Solutions is the worldwide leader in Research & Development of EMF measuring equipment and holds 95% of all patents for EMF measurement RF radiation survey instruments and personal monitors 10 KHz to 100 GHz. For compliance with World wide standards including Canada’s Safety Code 6.

SignalShark—Detection, Analysis, Classification and Localization of RF Signals. Handheld RF direction finding signal analyzers are ideal for tracing accidental, illegal, or deliberate interference or potentially dangerous signal sources. Units offer built-in GPS, compass and mapping functions. Also available as a rack mount version for remote installation applications.

A leader in RF component manufacturing offering microwave components for Coaxial, Waveguide, Double Ridge Waveguide and Ka-Band Satcom microwave components for satellite communications, military systems & microwave telecommunications with capabilities up to 50 GHz.
Coaxial Components
Ka-Band Satcom Components
Microwave Subsystem Components
Space Qualified Microwave Components
Waveguide RF Components

Output powers from 5 – 5,000 watts and spanning frequencies from 0.01 – 6,000 MHz, the systems and modules we create are used for military communications, electronic warfare & electronic countermeasures, homeland security, and a variety of scientific/industrial applications.

Since its inception in 1959, RLC has been the leading designer and manufacturer of high quality, state-of-the-art coaxial switches, band-pass filters and other components for the microwave industry. Range of performance exceeds 40 GHz (up to 65 GHz on switches). Typical applications for military and commercial use include calibration services, ATE, EW and assembly miniaturization and consolidation.

A complete supplier of specialty Noise Components and Test Equipment, backed by decades of experience in the design of Noise Sources and Instrumentation for telecommunications. Providing high quality standard and custom noise test solutions to meet commercial and military wireless applications.
Products include: Noise Diodes (including SOD-323 packages), Noise Modules (including TO-8, SIM, DIP 12/24 pin packages), Calibrated Noise Sources, Amplified Noise Modules, Benchtop Noise Sources.